As a Man Thinketh

As a Man Thinketh

James Allen

📚 GENRE: Personal Development

📃 PAGES: 64

✅ COMPLETED: October 18, 2018

🧐 RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Short Summary

You are what you think. In one of the best selling books of all time, James Allen explains the fundamentals of right thinking and why taking control of the mind is the key to creating the future you have envisioned.

Key Takeaways

1️⃣ You Are What You Think — Man becomes what he thinks about the most. You have the power to become what you want, and it all starts in the mind.

2️⃣ Correct Thinking Requires Effort — The human mind is naturally negative; it takes effort and discipline to consistently choose the right positive thoughts that are going to benefit you the most. You need to spend time training this. Think of it as the mental gym.

3️⃣ Have a Purpose — Values and purpose keep you centered. Regardless of what happens in life, if you have a set of dedicated core values, you won’t be moved off of your center. Your behavior and decision-making will be consistent. Define your values and keep them at the top of your mind.

Favorite Quote

"To live continuously in thoughts of ill-will, pessimism, suspicion, and envy is to be confined in a self-made prison hole. To think well of all, to be cheerful to all, to find the good in all — these are the very portals of Heaven. To dwell day by day in thoughts of peace towards every creature will bring bounding peace to their possessor."

Book Notes 📑

Chapter 1

  • A man is literally what he thinks he is.
  • A man’s character is the sum of his thoughts about himself.
    • Noble character is the result of EFFORT in good, positive thinking. 
      • It takes effort and practice.
  • A man is made or unmade by his thoughts.
    • In the armory of thought, man forges the weapons that can destroy himself.
    • He also produces the tools with which he can build joy, strength, and peace. 
      • Your thoughts should be centered around what you’re grateful for and what you have in your life RIGHT NOW. 
  • Good use of thought = man can rise to perfection.
    • Bad use of thought = man can ruin himself.
    • Everything in between is all the different grades of character a man can have by his thoughts. 
  • Man holds the he keys to every situation through his thoughts.

Chapter 2

  • Thought and character are one.
  • Circumstances grow out of thought.
    • The mind attracts what it loves and fears.
  • Nothing bad can come of good, high quality thoughts.
    • Suffering is the result of wrong thinking. 
  • Build yourself up with good, positive, strong thoughts. 

Chapter 3

  • Pure thoughts result in a pure and healthy body.
    • Negative thoughts result in disease and decay of the body. 
    • Thoughts of fear of disease result in disease.
  • Quote: “To live continuously in thoughts of ill-will, pessimism, suspicion, and envy is to be confined in a self-made prison hole. To think well of all, to be cheerful to all, to find the good in all — these are the very portals of Heaven. To dwell day by day in thoughts of peace towards every creature will bring bounding peace to their possessor.” 

Chapter 4

  • Every man should have a purpose. This purpose is the center point of all his thoughts.
    • Have values. Have a purpose. Have a personal philosophy.
      • These will guide and direct your thoughts. 
    • Make your purpose your supreme duty. 
  • Building and training your mind is like building the body.
    • Just as you can train a weak body to be strong in the gym, you can build your thoughts and mind through consistent effort. 
    • You have to spend time training your mind in the mental gym. 

Chapter 5

  • Everything a man achieves or does not achieve is a result of his thoughts.

Chapter 6

  • You will gravitate towards the what you love. 
  • You will get the results in life that you consistently think about. 
    • If you consistently think about who and what you want to be, and stay focused on that vision, you will find a way to get there.
    • Keep your thoughts focused on your goals and vision for yourself.
  • You will fall, rise, or remain the same based on your thoughts.

Chapter 7

  • Poise and calmness are the result of controlling your thoughts. 
  • Make your thoughts pure and positive.
  • It takes self-control, discipline, and effort to think positively. 
    • Again, spend time in the mental gym daily. The results are worth it.