Hello! —
Maybe you came to this website on purpose, or maybe you stumbled here by accident and are now wondering what in the world you’re looking at. Either way, welcome to macksbooknotes.com, a website where I store notes on every book I read.
I began the habit of daily reading a few years ago, and it didn’t take long before I ran into a bit of a problem: I was forgetting most of what I was learning in a matter of weeks. The frustration of wasting valuable time and energy reading material that wasn’t sticking led me to search for an answer. My solution was to begin taking detailed, scannable notes that I could review any time I wanted to get a crash course on the book and the material — to ‘Read with Purpose,’ as I like to think of it. Taking notes has helped me absorb and retain information more efficiently, and I wanted to create a database to store my notes in one place.
Alas, I decided to create MacksBookNotes.com — a one-stop shop for detailed book notes and book reviews. The goal of this website is to help me retain information better. I primarily created it to keep myself organized and motivated on my reading journey, but others may find this website useful in some way as well. As you browse the collection, maybe you’ll see a book that you’ve read. If so, I invite you to pull up the notes and spend some time refreshing your mind on the key concepts and ideas. Perhaps you’ll see a book you haven’t read but find intriguing. Again, feel free to pull up the notes and get an overview of the book’s content and what I found interesting. Or maybe you’ll hate what you see here and decide to leave, which is also perfectly acceptable.
I’m a big believer in reading books and expanding the mind. I refer to these notes routinely, and I’m always adding entries to the site as I complete new books. If you like what you see here, check back often to see what I’ve been reading and jotting down.
— Mack

Hello! —
Maybe you came to this website on purpose, or maybe you stumbled here by accident and are now wondering what in the world you’re looking at. Either way, welcome to macksbooknotes.com, a website where I store notes on every book I read.
I began the habit of daily reading a few years ago, and it didn’t take long before I ran into a bit of a problem: I was forgetting most of what I was learning in a matter of weeks. The frustration of wasting valuable time and energy reading material that wasn’t sticking led me to search for an answer. My solution was to begin taking detailed, scannable notes that I could review any time I wanted to get a crash course on the book and the material — to ‘Read with Purpose,’ as I like to think of it. Taking notes has helped me absorb and retain information more efficiently, and I wanted to create a database to store my notes in one place.
Alas, I decided to create MacksBookNotes.com — a one-stop shop for detailed book notes and book reviews. The goal of this website is to help me retain information better. I primarily created it to keep myself organized and motivated on my reading journey, but others may find this website useful in some way as well. As you browse the collection, maybe you’ll see a book that you’ve read. If so, I invite you to pull up the notes and spend some time refreshing your mind on the key concepts and ideas. Perhaps you’ll see a book you haven’t read but find intriguing. Again, feel free to pull up the notes and get an overview of the book’s content and what I found interesting. Or maybe you’ll hate what you see here and decide to leave, which is also perfectly acceptable.
I’m a big believer in reading books and expanding the mind. I refer to these notes routinely, and I’m always adding entries to the site as I complete new books. If you like what you see here, check back often to see what I’ve been reading and jotting down.
— Mack
Hello! —
Maybe you came to this website on purpose, or maybe you stumbled here by accident and are now wondering what in the world you’re looking at. Either way, welcome to macksbooknotes.com, a website where I store notes on every book I read.
I began the habit of daily reading a few years ago, and it didn’t take long before I ran into a bit of a problem: I was forgetting most of what I was learning in a matter of weeks. The frustration of wasting valuable time and energy reading material that wasn’t sticking led me to search for an answer. My solution was to begin taking detailed, scannable notes that I could review any time I wanted to get a crash course on the book and the material — to ‘Read with Purpose,’ as I like to think of it. Taking notes has helped me absorb and retain information more efficiently, and I wanted to create a database to store my notes in one place.
Alas, I decided to create MacksBookNotes.com — a one-stop shop for detailed book notes and book reviews. The goal of this website is to help me retain information better. I primarily created it to keep myself organized and motivated on my reading journey, but others may find this website useful in some way as well. As you browse the collection, maybe you’ll see a book that you’ve read. If so, I invite you to pull up the notes and spend some time refreshing your mind on the key concepts and ideas. Perhaps you’ll see a book you haven’t read but find intriguing. Again, feel free to pull up the notes and get an overview of the book’s content and what I found interesting. Or maybe you’ll hate what you see here and decide to leave, which is also perfectly acceptable.
I’m a big believer in reading books and expanding the mind. I refer to these notes routinely, and I’m always adding entries to the site as I complete new books. If you like what you see here, check back often to see what I’ve been reading and jotting down.